Scientists and researchers have continued to discover new things and expand our understanding and knowledge of the natural phenomena happening around us., the first ever observed in both light and gravitational waves, at least between 236,000 and 335,000 years ago, the first near-complete genome from an ancient, announced the first draft of a Neanderthal genome, the first hybrid ancient human ever found, to confirm that Denisovans once lived in Tibet, the repatriation of indigenous human remains, naturally use Crispr-Cas9 as an immune system, could be used as a powerful genetic editing tool, modify Crispr-Cas9 to make it even more precise, the birth of two girls whose genomes he had edited with Crispr, a global moratorium on heritable “germline” edits in humans, helped scientists make a 3D movie of our home galaxy, a potential "crisis in cosmology" that may require new physics to explain, the first-ever image of a black hole’s silhouette, further pushing back the origins of figurative painting, some of Spain’s cave paintings are 65,000 years old, crossed the outer boundary of the heliosphere, joined its twin in the interstellar medium, captured groundbreaking data along the way, a highly active comet that now bears his name, finally found the body of King Richard III, identified by Rome as the burial place of Christ, the largest mass child sacrifice site ever uncovered, more than 60,000 newly identified ancient Maya buildings, a pristine 2,400-year-old vessel discovered in 2018, the last ship that ferried enslaved Africans to the United States, the first-ever images of the dwarf planet’s shockingly varied surface, snapped the first pictures of the icy body Arrokoth, Dawn darted off to orbit the dwarf planet Ceres, the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, greatly reduced the spread of HIV among heterosexual couples, could let two same-sex mice conceive pups, announced the detection of the Higgs boson, the first full-body color reconstruction for a dinosaur, one of the best-ever fossils of an armored dinosaur, orbited and landed on Comet 67P Churyumov–Gerasimenko, global CO2 levels reached 400 parts per million, including parts of the Great Barrier Reef, the first known mammal lost to modern climate change, its fifth assessment of climate change’s reality and consequences, the world’s nations negotiated the Paris Agreement, the huge costs of warming even 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2100, are now at risk of dying out, some within decades, attempted the first privately funded lunar landing, the first soft landing on the lunar farside, and then vertically land them back on Earth, the first biofluorescence ever recorded in a reptile, have been using tools for at least 3,000 years. The work was widely condemned by the scientific community as unethical and dangerous, revealing a need for stricter regulations for how these powerful new tools are used, particularly when it comes to changing the DNA of embryos and using those embryos to birth live children.

First, in January 2010, an analysis of melanosomes—organelles that contain pigments—in the fossilized feathers of Sinosauropteryx, a dinosaur that lived in China some 120 to 125 million years ago, revealed that the prehistoric creature had “reddish-brown tones” and stripes along its tail. Several landmark studies also opened new avenues to preventing the spread of HIV. In another find, scientists compared Denisovan DNA to fossil proteins to confirm that Denisovans once lived in Tibet, expanding the mysterious group’s known range.

In 2014, researchers showed that hand stencils and a “pig-deer” painting in Sulawesi’s Maros cave sites were at least 39,000 years old, making them as old as Europe’s most ancient cave paintings.

It may look funny to us, but it’s a big step forward for autonomous AI movement. In my private life I am a competitive amateur cyclist, animal lover, acoustic guitar player and song writer. The image reveals the central black hole of Messier 87, a massive galaxy in the Virgo cluster. Other controversial finds stoked debate over Neanderthals’ artistic skills. In 2018, scientists released the final version of the Planck satellite’s measurements of the early universe’s faint afterglow, which contains vital clues to cosmic ingredients, structure, and rate of expansion.

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