to indicate a direct question when placed at the end of a sentence. [1] Daniels pp356-362

Dancing Script
is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis.

Following their correct usage will make your writing easier to read and more appealing. [21] Most punctuation marks in modern Chinese, Japanese, and Korean have similar functions to their English counterparts; however, they often look different and have different customary rules. Unkempt Unlike previously mentioned grammatical marks, they are not related to one another in any form.
They are the period, question mark, and exclamation point. The spelling reform in Soviet Armenia replaced իւ with the trigraph յու.1. Lobster It is placed above the abbreviated word and spans all of its letters. Plural for lowercase letters: Six people were told to mind their p's and q's. They are the period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, hyphen, parentheses, brackets, braces, apostrophe, quotation marks, and ellipsis. [1] [Unicode] p322  [2] [WP] Armenian alphabet, U+058D RIGHT-FACING ARMENIAN ETERNITY SIGN, Widespread architectural motif, and an ancient national symbol of Armenia.

He [Mr. Jones] was the last person seen at the house.

Ellipses are frequently used within quotations to jump from one phrase to another, omitting unnecessary words that do not interfere with the meaning. Amatic SC punctuation mark translation in English-Armenian dictionary. The Armenian language has different punctuation The language has completely different punctuation marks than Western languages. The ASCII hyphen is used also, but to link words together, rather than as a line break hyphen. Armenian symbols that indicate structure and organization of writing.

Unicode Category: Other Punctuation. [1] [Unicode] p322 

There are 14 punctuation marks that are commonly used in English grammar.

[1] Daniels pp356-362 John was hurt; he knew she only said it to upset him. See also the companion document, Armenian, for a summary of the Armenian script and its use for the Armenian language. In classical orthography, the letter usually represents v, except in the digraph իւ ju. They are not commonplace in most writing but can be seen in computer programming to show what should be contained within the same lines. It shows a closer relationship between the clauses than a period would show. The period (.) Braces ({}) are used to contain two or more lines of text or listed items to show that they are considered as a unit.

Blank spaces are more frequent than full stops or commas. "1, The Unicode Standard recommends using ’ [U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK] rather than this character.1, Used only in western Armenian, to indicate elision of a vowel, usually ə.2, Refs: Artwork had to be done for each character in a language (for, capitals and lower case, as well as diacritical, —all in a variety of size ranges), with separate. 1 eg. Armenian people write Armenian by using the Armenian alphabet, created in 405 AD by Mesrop Mashtots.Some of those countries include Russia, USA, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Georgia, and Egypt.

punctuation translation in English-Armenian dictionary. Punctuation (names of people and places) Grade/level: Grade 1 by Togeedah: Telling Sentences Grade/level: Infants by KerriB: Punctuating Direct Speech Grade/level: Year 3 by Cazobi Quotations marks (" ") are a pair of punctuation marks used primarily to mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word. For example, She gave him her answer — No!Whether you put spaces around the em dash or not is a style choice.

Brackets, braces, and parentheses are symbols used to contain words that are a further explanation or are considered a group.

2. 18

Aldrich The commais used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. Used in the same way as the Latin full stop. [3] Wikipedia, Only used in classical orthography, word-initially and in some compound words.1, Iranian Armenians (a subbranch of Eastern Armenians) pronounce this letter as [ɹ], like in Classical Armenian.1, In reformed orthography, the letter ւ appears only as a component of ու. Hebrew, which is also written from right to left, uses the same characters as in English, ⟨,⟩ and ⟨?⟩. 20/= implies 20 rupees whole. Called պարույկ (paruyk) in Armenian. In the 17th century, Sanskrit and Marathi, both written using Devanagari, started using the vertical bar ⟨।⟩ to end a line of prose and double vertical bars ⟨॥⟩ in verse.

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