We also provide free Cantonese-English dictionary, free Cantonese spelling checker and free Cantonese typing keyboard. spécialement destinée à des groupes ethniques.
Translate your sentences and websites from Cantonese into English. As an info-comm systems provider and marketing firm specializing in implementing software systems and solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises, the company helps businesses to upgrade and strengthen their core business operations through technologies and consultancy.
Education takes place in Mandarin, if you meet an ethnic Chinese from China, they speak Mandarin.
With China’s growing importance and accessibility, Mandarin is now emerging in Hong Kong. Likewise, our Cantonese linguists work hard to design strategies that allow our industrial customer to unitize best-practice technology. Get the BONUS Free App Instantly Upon Joining!
Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents, The month marked two firsts for RBC: the debut of our.
Il est généralement placé après le nom et s'accorde avec le nom ( ex : un ballon bleu, un e balle bleu e ).
Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "Cantonese-English". Here are some useful and interesting phrases for you to speak while traveling to Hong Kong. Furthermore, we offer a wide range of Cantonese website translation services to meet your needs, including, Cantonese website translation, Cantonese software localization, Cantonese technical writing, Cantonese desktop publishing, Cantonese brand consulting, Cantonese document translation, Cantonese typesetting and graphics, and much more. Within our network of Cantonese translators specifically trained in Cantonese industrial subject matter and terminology. Translation Services Singapore | Kinotech Translation Services Agency, Best Translation Services Agency Singapore. Show me my bill. If you want to forge closer bonds with Singaporean Chinese, learn Mandarin. Everyone. Cantonese adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house."
Quality service at a competitive price, while maintaining honesty and integrity in all aspects of the organization. kick-boxing class or out skating with a large group of friends. The Cantonese English Dictionary is a high quality and user-friendly dictionary available on phone and tablet. And where is each language spoken?
They may speak Cantonese or other dialects at home, but they are generally less fluent than their (grand)parents.
Italian, Mandarin, Spanish, Swedish, and more, en mandarin, en néerlandais, en suédois et bien plus. Translate Cantonese to English became necessity partly due to the Olympic fever, a lot of travelers are eager to visit Hong Kong.