Aerial / Aquatic
a confident ruffian. Late Valentine's Plush is a plush skin for the Pteranodon. There is a big green spot on the UFO in the direction the Pteranodon is facing., Male: 5.6 meters wingspan Female: 3.8 meters wingspan, Pterandon Terrance, Western North America.
Current 6 FT Dinosaur Train Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.
Damage 49
Defense This is the only Fossil Skin that can fly. It is a herbivorous skin, instead of a carnivorous skin like how Default Pteranodon and its other skins are. Defense 5
Juvenile None
Juvenile In real life, Pteranodon has pycnofibers like all pterosaurs.
may have had a Yes
Health 427 Damage 49 Diet A No
With a wider wingspan than any known bird, it's primarily a fish eater, though Pteranodon is very aggressive. It has red eyes with black pupils. Halloween Event Members of the pterosaur family lived through much of the Mesozoic, some with wingspans close to 50 feet.
Miscellaneous Diet Damage
Length Damage Despite its name, it looks and doesn't seem in any way related to anything that does to do with electricity. None
The Pteranodon (toothless wing) (Ter-an-oh-don) in-game is a small pteranodontid pterosaur with a long, curved, almost boomerang-like beak that is colored black with a dark yellow splatter at the tip. No Baby
A lil birdlike alien who's come to study our planet. Availability Made by
ChickenEngineer, The Electric Pteranodon was released on September 23, 2016, as a twitter code during Ver[3.8.0]. Description Health 7
the front to the Pteranodon is one of the several creatures in the game to be able to climb.
Speed Ground: 24 / 30Ariel: 37 / 50 Damage 19
Moistness Weight Health 48
Health 427
Health 7
It has a large orange crest on the back of its head with black eyes. This would have been the shore of a shallow sea when these creatures were alive, supporting the theory that they were fish eaters. Damage 1
Health 427 Juvenile