According to acceptance theory, authority flows from bottom to top. The subordinates accept the authority if the advantages to be derived by its acceptance exceed the disadvantages resulting from its refusal. From management’s point of view as George R. Terry has put it -“Responsibility is the obligation of a person to achieve the results mutually determined by means of participation by his superiors and himself.”. In other words, the delegant must determine clearly the task or duty that is assigned to the delegate.
“Authority is the right to give order and the power to exact obedience”. ‘Authority’ means ‘Legal or rightful power, a right to command or to act’. The value of the acceptance theory lies in its recognition of the individual’s decision on whether he will act on a communication he receives. Responsibility comes to an individual as soon as he accepts a job to be performed by him. The essence of authority is obligation. Dealer, supplier and customer agreements, 4. The exercise of authority is always subjective. Huge Collection of Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management shared by visitors and users like you.
For example, a manager will have referent power over the subordinates if they are motivated to emulate his work habits. No sub-ordinate can be ordered to do a job which is impossible to be performed due to biological limitations. Authority is a legal power which is possessed by a person from his superior officers and with the help of which he succeeds in getting the things done by his subordinates.
The duty must be expressed either in terms of function or in terms of objectives.
People use the word responsibility in different senses as referring to a duty, an activity or an authority. Under internal organization, duties are determined and distributed among the employees. One has to answer about his work and conduct. Authority is the key to managerial functions.
In management science authority, responsibility and accountability are three terms around which the whole set of managerial activities cluster.
The essence of responsibility is obligation. They hold the view that the authority is the relationship that exists between individuals when one accepts the directive of another. There must be an atmosphere in the enterprise in which the employees pay their best regards to their bosses. It may be defined in terms of functions or targets or goals. According to this theory, authority originates at the top of an organization and flows downward through the process of delegation. Power may be defined as “the ability to exert influence. Social factors impose restrictions on the exercise of authority by a manager. Uploader Agreement. It always flows downwards from top to bottom of the organization. Since accountability of higher authority for the acts of subordinates is absolute, most companies agree to this principle, although in practice it is sometimes violated.
It means to be responsible for explanation to any superior. An individual should be answerable to only one immediate superior and no more.
It is what one is expected to do in order to carry out his prescribed job.