The road will be named Dr RP Singh Marg in my native Churia,” the former India captain said in a Hockey India release.“It is a nostalgic moment for me, though I moved to Lucknow at a very young age to pursue my career in hockey I remained connected to my roots and the people of Churia. Dr RP Singh’s contribution to hockey as a player as well as an administrator has helped develop the sport in Uttar Pradesh.”A native of Churia, a small hamlet about 365 km from state capital Lucknow, Dr RP Singh went on to join the sports hostel in Lucknow at the age of 14 where he honed his skills as a hockey player.An illustrious career was soon to follow as he won several international accolades in his stint with the Indian team including a silver medal in 1982 Asian Games in Delhi, bronze medal in Seoul Asian Games in 1986, and silver medal in the Beijing Asian Games in 1990.He was also part of the Indian team that participated in the 1986 Men’s World Cup in London as well as the 1990 Men’s World Cup in Lahore.His passion for sports led him to take up a job with the Uttar Pradesh government. Dr RP Singh’s contribution to hockey as a player as well as an administrator has helped develop the sport in Uttar Pradesh.” A native of Churia, a small hamlet about 365 km from state capital Lucknow, Dr RP Singh went on to join the sports hostel in Lucknow at the age of 14 where he honed his skills as a hockey player. Dr RP Singh's contribution to hockey as a player as well as an administrator has helped develop the sport in Uttar Pradesh.

(ANI), Mission Olympic Cell sanctions Mirabai Chanu's overseas training, IPL 13: Will take some time for Dhoni to get back old touch, says Ganguly, Bangladesh tour of Sri Lanka postponed indefinitely: International Cricket Council, IPL 13: Irfan Pathan doesn't want Shivam Dube to bowl death overs for RCB, Worked on my physical, mental strength for Atlanta Olympics, says Leander Paes, Dhoni's reflexes as good as race drivers: Trainer Ramji Srinivasan, You were the best fielder inside 30-yard circle: Tendulkar to Rhodes, copyrights © | All rights Reserved. This decision was announced by Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prakash Maurya during the National Sports Day celebrations in Lucknow last week. The road will be named Dr RP Singh Marg in my native Churia," the former India captain said in a Hockey India release.

Dr RP Singh’s contribution to hockey as a player as well as an administrator has helped develop the sport in Uttar Pradesh.” A native of Churia — a small hamlet about 365 kms from Lucknow — Singh went on to join the sports hostel in the state capital at the age of 14 where he honed his skills as a hockey player. New Delhi [India], Aug 31 (ANI): Hockey India on Monday congratulated former India captain Dr RP Singh after Uttar Pradesh Government honoured the services of the yesteryear's hockey star by naming a 2 km-road in Churia, a village in Deoria district, after him.Congratulating Dr RP Singh, Hockey India officiating president Gyanendro Ningombam said, "It is a very befitting honour that the Uttar Pradesh Government is naming a road in Churia village after former India Captain Dr RP Singh. Today, he heads the Department of Youth Services and Sports as the Director. Dr RP Singh’s contribution to hockey as a player as well as an administrator has helped develop the sport in Uttar Pradesh.”. I hope this recognition will inspire athletes from my state to achieve success in the field of sports.”, Congratulating Singh, Hockey India Officiating President Gyanendro Ningombam said, “I am sure this recognition will inspire hockey players in the state to emulate his success in the field of sports. Apart from my international achievement, I feel very fortunate to have been part of a great state team in Uttar Pradesh back then (in the 80s and 90s) and we ended up winning in every category (Sub-Junior, Junior, Senior, All-India Inter-School and Inter-Universities) at the National Championships," the veteran player said. Today, he heads the Department of Youth Services and Sports as the Director. New Delhi [India], Aug 31 (ANI): Hockey India on Monday congratulated former India captain Dr RP Singh after Uttar Pradesh Government honoured the services of the yesteryear’s hockey star by naming a 2 km-road in Churia, a village in Deoria district, after him.Congratulating Dr RP Singh, Hockey India officiating president Gyanendro Ningombam said, “It is a very befitting honour that the Uttar Pradesh Government is naming a road in Churia village after former India Captain Dr RP Singh. Hockey News: Indian hockey team's former captain RP Singh was suspended from the post of deputy director (sports) for alleged misuse of government property. I am thankful to the Uttar Pradesh government for bestowing such an honour on me. I hope this recognition will inspire athletes from my state to achieve success in the field of sports. enquire about syndication, please write to, Copyright © Siasat Daily, 2020. I am sure this recognition will inspire hockey players in the state to emulate his success in the field of sports.

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