In Deutschland sind das insbesondere Forscher der Computerphilologie, der Historischen Fachinformatik, der Informationswissenschaft und der Computerlinguistik. Digital Humanities DH@MSU brings together a diverse group of faculty, staff, and students and builds a vibrant digital humanities community supporting advanced, innovative research, scholarship, pedagogy, and public engagement at a national and international level. The Ghett/App mobile application was developed by Paolo Borin, Ludovica Galeazzo and Victoria Szabo of the Visualizing Venice team. September 2020 um 20:00 Uhr bearbeitet. Duke Faculty: Interested in having your Duke DH project listed here? Department für Bildwissenschaften, Lab für Digital Humanities, Donau-Universität, Archiv für Digitale Kunst, ehemals Database of Virtual Art seit 2000, ca. My blog covers a lot of the same subjects as yours and I believe we could greatly Funded Projects . This list may not reflect recent changes (). The DH world is full of great projects and so is Duke University. Here are a few recent and ongoing digital humanities-focused projects we'd like to highlight: An emerging data collection that will compile all North American slave runaway ads and make them available for statistical, geographical, textual, and other forms of analysis, currently being built through a crowdsourced initiative. Mapping the networks of co-publication in the Soviet “thick” journals to show interrelations between cultural forms and social groups.
Ordination of women continues to remain a controversial issue in numerous Christian denominations. Recreating the world of the Lost Generation in interwar Paris. An online research tool for the philosopher’s annotations that provides a behind-the-scenes look at his reading practices and the philosophy of deconstruction. Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Musikwissenschaft, International Journal of Digital Curation, digiversity - Webmagazin für Informationstechnologie in den Geisteswissenschaften, Caracteres - Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital, Zeitschrift für digitale Geschichtswissenschaften, Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, ride - A review journal for digital editions and resources, Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften, Arbeitsstelle Digitale Akademie der ADWL|Mainz, Lehrstuhl für Digital Humanities, Universität Passau, Lehre in den Digital Humanities (Ein Portal der IT-Gruppe Geisteswissenschaften der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Digital Humanities an der Universität Heidelberg, IT-Gruppe Geisteswissenschaften / LMU Center for Digital Humanities, LMU München, Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, Universität Graz, LegIT- Der volkssprachige Wortschatz der Leges barbarorum,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Arbeitskreis Digitale Kunstgeschichte (seit 2012), BStK Online: Datenbank der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften, LOEWE-Schwerpunkt Digital Humanities Hessen, – Online-Edition der „Teutschen Academie der Bau-, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste“, VisArgue (2012-2016): Verbundprojekt an der Universität Konstanz zwischen Politikwissenschaft, Linguistik und Information.
Anthroposcene seeks to develop a visual record so scholars can analyze how a certain group of people are seeing and interpreting climate change and the concept of the, During Summer 2018, PAGE (Partnership for Appalachian Girls' Education) girls created multimedia installations that honored the "past, present, and future" of two historic schools in Madison County, North Carolina - the An.
Decolonizing the archive by shifting the narrative from slaveholder to enslaved, Investigating the structure of state archives in China, Enabling new research on the Baroque composer by facilitating quantitative approaches, Recovering Emily Hale's voice by cataloguing T.S. ©2020 Cornell University Library / (607) 255-4144 / Privacy / Web Accessibility Assistance / Login, Persuasive Cartography: the PJ Mode Collection.