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A second theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". Did the Mayflower Go Off Course on Purpose? One main goal of the Progressive movement was eliminating corruption in government by exposing and undercutting political machines and their bosses and establishing further means of direct democracy.Progressives also sought … Political Bosses in America As industrialization caused cites to grow in leaps and bounds, political bosses started to take power. Direct Election and the 17th Amendment, Chicago's First Ward -- Hinky Dink and Bathhouse John, Teddy Roosevelt and the Coal Strike of 1902: A New Era in Labor and Government, Standing at Armageddon: A Grassroots History of the Progressive Era, The Wars of Reconstruction: The Brief, Violent History of America's Most Progressive Era, Just the Facts- The Emergence of Modern America The Progressive Era, The History of the United States, in 10,000 Words, Joseph McCarthy, and Other Facets of the 1950s Red Scare. The Fourteen Points, the League of Nations, and Wilson's Failed Idealism, The National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association, Grover Cleveland, Mugwumps, and the 1884 Election, The "Cleveland Massacre" -- Standard Oil makes its First Attack, The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and its Effects. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Referendum: voters accept or reject the initiative by referendum (a vote) Recall: Enabled voters to remove public … How are the dressed? Your Task: In this BookBuilder you will be reading and analyzing two primary documents … Progressives also sought regulation of monopolistic trust corporations through antitrust laws, which were seen as a means to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. capital goods, consumer products During the Progressive era, economic production shifted from ____ to ____. Political bosses were political leaders who got people to vote for them by giving favors. In the early twentieth century, reformers worked to improve American society and counteract the effect of industrialization. How Does a Senator Become a Senator? Reformers felt that old-fashioned ways meant waste and inefficiency, and eagerly sought out the "one best system". One main goal of the Progressive movement was eliminating corruption in government by exposing and undercutting political machines and their bosses and establishing further means of direct democracy. Thanks to the efforts of Oregon Populist Party State Representative William S. U’Ren and his Direct Legislation League, voters in Oregon overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure in 1902 that created the initiative and referendum processes for citizens to directly introduce or … If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Tons of immigrants from every part of the world began to pour into the major cities. Progressives sought to enable the citizenry to rule more directly and circumvent political bosses. In academic fields the day of the amateur author gave way to the research professor who published in the new scholarly journals and presses. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website.

Progressives drew support from the middle class, and supporters included many lawyers, teachers, physicians, ministers and business people. They closely followed advances underway at the time in Western Europe and adopted numerous policies, such as a major transformation of the banking system by creating the Federal Reserve System in 1913. THE TRUE REFORMERS OF THE PROGRESSIVE ERA: POLITICAL MACHINES AND URBAN BOSSES The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. Progressives transformed, professionalized and made "scientific" the social sciences, especially history, economics, and political science. Main Idea Political Machines The Progressive Movement and reformers aimed to fix corruption in government and business William M. Tweed - "Boss Tweed" Conclusion Powerful organizations linked to political parties (groups) Controlled local government in cities "Political boss" - The last page (page 6) will prompt you with a short assignment to be completed and turned into your teacher at the end of class. They also made deals with various contractors. Each document is first shown in its original form, then in a modified (abridged) form. Donate or volunteer today! Each page will have agents to help you take a closer look at the documents and pre-defined vocabulary, don't forget to use them! The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. Initially the movement operated chiefly at local levels; later it expanded to state and national levels. The national political leaders included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette, Sr., and Charles Evans Hughes on the Republican side, and William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson and Al Smith on the Democratic side.

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