The corporatist theory is, however, not free from weakness. A person having power may demand obligation from other persons. The MNCs are not only controlling the economy and other elements of development but also the politics. … An auctor is he who brings about the existence of any object or promotes the increase or prosperity of it whether he first originates it, or by his efforts gives greater permanence or continuance to it” (Authority.

It requires at least two or more persons.

Dynamic concept lays emphasis on individuals and considers organisation as a continuous process. Various activities are assigned to different persons for their efficient accomplishment.

Take a moment and try. Raphael is of opinion that the English word power is derived from these two words and naturally power may be used to mean ability and hence his definition of power is specific kind of ability.

It lays emphasis on position and not on individuals. You might even think about words like 'power' or 'control' or 'rules' or 'politics.' This is specially correct if we consider the regimes of Hitler and Mussolini.

It has been estimated by experts that in employment, investment, research, development, military activities, policy making the corporatism has been able to establish its overwhelmingly disproportionate importance. The military rulers demand obligation from citizens though he has not that authority. The fact is that during the last few decades corporatism has advanced rapidly and it has become a salient feature of a capitalist society. Spriegel has given a wide definition of the organization. It also admits of independent existence of the interests. An organisation creates co-operative relationship among various members of the group. Thus the most important aspect of corporatism is the existence of different centres of power should lead to any perceptible damage of capitalist system. Authority is, therefore, a kind of right to do something. and British people obey them and give them legal sanction. Hence we find that authority is used in both senses.

Later on legal- rational authority laid the foundation of liberal form of government. The charisma is so powerful that people do not go into the legal aspects of the power. Image Guidelines 5. “Authority can most simply be defined as legitimate power…….. Authority is, therefore, based on an acknowledged duty to obey rather than on any form of coercion or manipulation. There is no place of whims and the rationality in such authority.

Charismatic authority is not always supported by law. This is the central idea of corporatist theory of power. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics- defines the term in the following words: the power or right to give orders and enforce obedience, the power to influence others based on recognised knowledge or expertise. “Authority.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, This meaning proposes that right means to receive something. Harmony and unity were stressed as key to power as well as to progress.

This may be illustrated in the following way. Weber says that in ancient time and even in middle Ages in many political systems the traditional authority existed. Definitions:

Hence it is observed that power is not concentrated at any particular centre. Everything is cloaked with legality.

English Language Learners Definition of authority.

Co-ordination also avoids duplications and delays. But this conception is not applicable to power.

The multinational corporations have intensified their functions in numerous forms in various developing countries of the Third World. Power and duty are also clearly stated Rational-legal authority is the explicit form of a right to give orders and to have been obeyed. Corporatist theory of power does not take pluralism as harmful for social progress, because pluralism invites competition and division and this finally weakens the society. Thus, in a capitalist society there are at least two (and in many cases more than two) centres of power—one is state and the other is corporate. Learn a new word every day. Karl Deutsch says that power means the ability to be involved in conflict, to resolve it and to remove the obstacles. This brings in division of labour. Government is so ingrained in our culture and so much a part of our everyday lives that most of us, whe… It is very difficult to give a precise definition of the term 'management'. “Authority is the right to rule. The group which succeeds finally will be called powerful. The governing system of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Morocco provide the examples of traditional authority and hereditary system. It considers organisation as an open adoptive system and not as a closed system. Power and authority are perhaps the most vital aspects of all organisations in general and political organisations in particular.

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